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Dust Bunny

Dust Bunny and his Gang


DUSTBUNNY is the official mascot of Darlene's alter ego - Dustbunny Maven. Since Darlene made peace with dustbunnies, and now lets them live their lives free from fear of a vacuum, DUSTBUNNY has been joined by many dusty friends throughout the house where he resides. Some of the gangs favorite hideouts are:
  • under beds
  • behind the sofa
  • behind the washer and dryer
  • in closets
  • dark corners
  • on the ceiling (how do they get up there?)
The "dust buddies" feel at home in these hideouts and can usually find a few tasty morsels to consume as they roam about.
Some of DUSTBUNNY's favorite snacks include:
  • string
  • bugs
  • cat hair (as long as the cat isn't attached to it!)
  • dirty socks
  • food crumbs
  • cob webs (it's a "stick to your ribs kind of snack")

Dustbunny and his "posse" love it when the humans go on vacation and no one cleans the house. That's when they've been known to double in size from all the snacking that goes on.

Just For Fun

Would you like to join the legions of Dustbunny fans? If you believe in letting dustbunnies live free from fear of a vacuum or Swiffer, let Dustbunny know. Sign up and be part of a movement to promote the wellfare and happiness of dustbunnies everywhere. Email Dust Bunny to Join
Studies have shown that a little bit of dust never hurt anybody.


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